Thursday, March 3, 2011

Initial thoughts on Matthew

Matthew seems to be writing to urban, learned Jews -- probably Christian Jews.  He uses more references to the Jewish Bible (our Old Testament -- the only Bible they had in MT's day) than any of the other Gospel writer.
If he's writing to Jews who are not yet Christians I would argue that the "proof texting" is his way of trying to evangelize them.
If they are Jewish Christians he is joining them in answering the questions of the converted:  "We know that Jesus is Lord, and we are still Jews.  How do we line up the Jesus we know with our Bible's words about who the Messiah will be?"
My sense is that some of his proof texting is a little thin -- perhaps we will find those sections as we wind our way through the gospel.
I'm probably going to skip the birth narrative in Mt because I feel like it (grin -- it is my blog)  other than to point out that he tells the story and aligns Jesus with Joseph of David's line.  One more proof of his deep Jewish-ness.

It's past noon now on Saturday 4 (Thursday for those of you not retired,) so I think I'll wrap it up and move on to . . . well, it won't be making sure the bulletin is ready to go, and it won't be going to choir at 7.  So far I'm feeling pretty good by defining retirement by what I don't have to do.  (oh yeah.)

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