Friday, June 17, 2011


I have not abandoned this blog, nor my intention to do Bible study that makes me think, and you, too.

In my profile I say, "I am trying to figure out what it means to be retired.  I do not solicit advice." 

Okay, now I'm soliciting advice.  It was the right time for me to stop doing what I had been my  work.  But what I am to be . . . to do . . . at this point?  THAT is the question.

If you are retired what sort of adjustments have you made?  There's just so much golf I can play -- in part because it ain't cheap and in part because I'm not that good and can only take so much frustration.

At this point I feel somewhat at loose ends.

I guess it's the age old question, "What to do until Messiah comes?"  What to do until a new order is revealed?

If anyone has opinions, I'll read them.

Oh, BTW -- I think the name of this blog is too cumbersome.  You who actually read this -- you know the intent of the blog (I hope).  Any suggestions for a shorter name?